best way to lose weight fast


Drink plenty of water

If your body is not getting enough water, it will hold on to any fluid it can, causing you to look and feel bloated. Add in the amount of sodium and sugar most American foods contain and you are probably holding an average of three to five pounds of extra water weight. However, hydrating properly can actually help you lose weight because the body will release old water stores to make room for the new, flushing your system and eliminating water retention. Most experts agree that in order to function at optimal levels, your body will need eight to 10 glasses of water daily.

Good fat

Fat has gotten a bad rap over the years, but most people don’t know there are good fats that make your hair shine and your skin look young, and can boost your metabolism to help you get a lean, muscular body. These fats can be found in foods like avocados, fish, almonds, walnuts, flax-seeds and olive oil, and they should be included in a balanced diet for everyone, including those trying to lose weight.

Cheat meal

Eating a cheat meal can be a great way to kick your metabolic engine into high gear and force your body to burn fat. Eating too strictly for long periods of time will decrease hormone levels and cause your body to conserve calories. It can slow weight loss, but adding one to two cheat meals per week will keep your body guessing and restart your metabolism. Think of it as hitting the breaker switch on your electrical box. When you turn it back on, power is restored and you’re back in business. Cheat meals should not be sugar, but rather a doughy, high-glycemic carbohydrate that’s roughly the same size as a normal healthy meal.

Eating more food
Anyone who's ever used a fireplace knows if you don’t put enough wood in the fire, it will burn weakly. If you put in too much wood, it will smother the flames. But if you put the right amount of wood in at precisely the right time, the fire will burn strongly. The same can be said of how your body uses food. The human body was meant to graze, not gorge, so eating smaller meals every two to three-and-a-half hours will allow you to train your body to burn fat and shed unwanted pounds.

Don't count calories

The old adage that you must burn more calories than you take in to lose weight is simply outdated and unsustainable. It makes much more sense to focus on rules that teach your body to burn fat than it does to burden yourself with mathematical equations. Eating smaller, more frequent meals with whole fibrous foods and proper portion sizes along with a good workout that includes cardio and weight training can supercharge your metabolism and lead to quality weight loss.

Remember there are no magic exercises, foods or supplements that will make you lose weight, but rather a well-thought-out program that incorporates weight training, cardiovascular training, proper diet and some helpful fitness tips like the ones above.

        Auther by.Chris Antonio

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