Cardio for Belly Fat.fat burning exercises

Cardio for Belly Fat


It’s a double-edged sword… too much exercise, and you’ll end up destroying your muscle and joints.
If you don’t exercise enough, you’ll bring your fat-burning metabolism to a halt.

Studies are showing that right around 20 minutes is the “sweet spot” for burning fat without getting burned out.
But… most programs FAIL to include strength and a new and improved cardio in one workout…
… until now thanks to this new research:
Click here for the #1 Cardio for Belly Fat

This breakthrough allows you to burn 500 calories in one workout. That’s enough to burn:

- 2 slices of pizza
- Half a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
- 10 chocolate chip cookies

Imagine having 30 days of these fat-burning workouts so you enjoy your favorite foods this holiday season…

Click here to get your 500 calorie-burning workouts <= On Sale Now
Let’s take a sample from the Bodyweight Cardio 500 manual.

(By the way, these are much better with my coaching videos because Kate shows you exactly how to do the exercise to suit your fitness level).

You’ll start with a 3 minute dynamic warm up.

Then you’ll do 2 strength + explosive training circuits with a variety of total body moves. Just like this….

Do each exercise in order for 35 seconds, with a 10 seconds transition.

Workout Set #1: 3 rounds
1A: Push ups
1B: Alternating prisoner curtsy lunges
1C: Toe taps <= lift your feet 2-3 inches off the ground, hopping from foot to foot

Repeat for 3 rounds

For the Push Up, you’ll choose the hardest variation you can do for the time period. Make sure you’re working full range of motion, and squeezing your glutes and abs tight. If you can’t continue for the entire set, choose as easier variation, like the Incline Push Up.

By keeping constant tension in your glutes, abs and chest, you’ll fire up more muscle.

Here’s the Alternating prisoner curtsy lunge… Point your right toe, and imagine making a semi-circle as you take a big step back.

Finally, you’ll end it with an awesome Interval Accelerator that works your legs and abs at an elevated heart rate.

So, there you go:

Dynamic Warm-up
Strength + Explosive Training
Interval Accelerator

You’ll use all 3 tools in about 20 minutes.

Get Bodyweight Cardio 500 + *FREE* Bonuses <= HALF off Sale Ends Friday



PS. And don’t worry, if you’re a beginner, Kate has got you covered, too. You’ll start off with non-impact exercises, burning 300 calories a workout without jumping, lunges or burpees…

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